Celebrating 3 years with Zayndu

This week we are recognising one of our microbiology laboratory technicians, Sam Eates, for his 3-year anniversary here at Zayndu Ltd. Head of Biology, Alberto Campanaro, says “Sam has always been a great and key member of my team. His improvement in the last few years has been amazing, both from a quality and precision perspective as well as the…

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This week we are recognising one of our microbiology laboratory technicians, Sam Eates, for his 3-year anniversary here at Zayndu Ltd.


Head of Biology, Alberto Campanaro, says “Sam has always been a great and key member of my team. His improvement in the last few years has been amazing, both from a quality and precision perspective as well as the quantity of experiments delivered. I’m confident if I need something to be delivered in a precise and timely manner, Sam is always dependable and reliable. I look forward to having him with us for a long time ahead and sharing lots of successes together.”