Rocket, also known as arugula, refers to two distinct species: wild rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) and salad rocket (Eruca sativa), both belonging to the Brassicaceae family. Wild rocket tends to be hardier and grows more slowly, offering a sharp, peppery flavor. In contrast, salad rocket grows more quickly and has a shorter lifespan, featuring a milder yet still peppery taste. For consumers, arugula is an excellent source of folate and vitamin K, as well as a good source of vitamins A and C.
Zayndu’s ActivatedAir™ has enhanced germination and yield for both wild and salad rocket.
Wild Rocket

Salad Rocket

ActivatedAir™ has beneficial effects on the germination rates of both wild rocket and salad rocket. On Day 2, wild rocket seeds treated with ActivatedAir demonstrated a 54% increase in germination, which further improved by an additional 9% by Day 7. Salad rocket, known for its quicker germination, also experienced benefits from this treatment. On the first day, seeds treated with ActivatedAir™ showed a 14% increase in germination, and by Day 2, both types of seeds achieved over 95% germination, a typical outcome for salad rocket.
Soil Growing/Yield
Wild Rocket

Salad Rocket

Both types of arugula showed notable benefits in yield.
After conducting the Wild Rocket trial, we observed a 20% increase in yield, which was determined by measuring the fresh weights of each of the four trays used in the experiment.
For Salad Rocket, the yields increased by an average of 10% after just 7 days of growth in compost media with dense sowing. This quick enhancement in growth and development aligns with the germination testing for Salad Rocket, which also demonstrated an immediate increase in germination rates.
In summary, the use of Zayndu’s ActivatedAir™ has significantly enhanced the growth and harvest of wild and salad arugula. The notable increases in germination rates and fresh weight demonstrate that ActivatedAir™ is an effective tool for cultivating these nutritious greens. As more individuals seek delicious and healthy food options, the benefits highlighted in the results support growers in producing greater yields while encouraging sustainable food production practices.
Written by Alberto Campanaro and Sam Gee