Venturefest West Midlands to feature Zayndu seed-tech

Venturefest West Midlands is an opportunity for entrepreneurs, investors and innovators in the vibrant West Midlands business community to meet, engage and exchange ideas. It provides a showcase for science and emerging technologies, and so provides a great opportunity for Zayndu to bring the potential of its plasma agriculture to a wider audience.

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Food security and reducing the use of chemicals and water in agriculture are two key global challenges and Zayndu addresses both. Using ‘activated air’, created by cold plasma, its patented technology removes fungi and other pests from the seeds used to grow leafy greens and crops in vertical farms and is completely dry and chemical free.

Vertical farms enable intensive food production close to centres of population, enabling 24/7 growing environment with minimal use of plant protection products, fertiliser or diesel. The technology has advanced rapidly over the last three years, seeing significant investment in large facilities, particularly in the US and Middle East.

Zayndu recently launched a small mobile unit Aurora Z10 that enables small batches of seeds to be disinfected by growers as they are required. For the first time, it allows many high value seeds such as tomato or fast-growing seeds like rocket to be disinfected, removing the last source of contamination from automated indoor growing environments.

Alongside VenturefestWM is the Minerva Birmingham Pitch Up; which is run by the Centre for Growth at Aston University, BizzInn at University of Birmingham Enterprise and Minerva at University of Warwick Science Park. Over the last 6 years it has put over 100 entrepreneurs directly in front of investors and helped bring over £40M of investment into the region’s small businesses and beyond.

Zayndu will be exhibiting at Venturefest West Midlands on 24th March 2022 at the Eastside Rooms in Birmingham as a live event. More information